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About Marcura

Marcura is the team behind leading solutions that have streamlined many processes in the maritime industry

Helping customers to streamline their processes

90% of all world trade is handled by the global shipping industry, delivering critical energy, food and raw materials to 7 billion people.

This huge responsibility rests on a few hundred thousand frontline professionals. However, these professionals are being burdened by unnecessary friction and pain in what should be straightforward transactions.

It is easy to see why the industry needs solutions so that front-line professionals can utilise their skills and knowledge, leaving them at the top of their game, at all times. This is why we’re committed to streamlining the processes in the shipping industry.

Helping the frontline of maritime

Before entertaining a new idea or initiating a project, we always ensure that we have considered 4 critical questions that each represent a core value of the Group.

Since 2001, these questions have been met and answered with solutions, business units and companies that are founded on principles of:

  • compliance
  • independence
  • transparency
  • efficiency

and, as a result, gain the trust of many of the world’s largest vessel operating companies.

Marcura helps people in the maritime and shipping industry

22 years of innovation and solutions development

Marcura and customer first

Since the launch of DA-Desk in 2001, The Marcura Group has continuously introduced services in response to customer requests or market opportunities we identified as important for our strategy.

With our businesses, we aim to fill the trust gap in the industry by embedding our services into the industry’s actual transactions. This, we do by checking and clearing information, money and counterparties and therefore eliminating the unnecessary friction and frustration in what should be straightforward transactions.

Marcura’s 25 global network locations

World map of locations

1000+ maritime specialists

We’re 1000+ team members globally and have offices in Dubai, Mumbai, London, Denmark, Japan, Germany, Greece, Singapore and the United States.

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    In line with Design Thinking principles, our Innovation Team generates user-driven solutions to complex problems through a process characterized by intensive research, feedback loops and quick iterations.

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    The experienced software development team embraces agile software development methods and delivers multiple services while retaining flexibility to deliver rapid prototyping using cutting-edge technologies.

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    Sales & Marketing ensure we promote and deliver the right solutions to the right customers.

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    The team ensures the integrity and quality of IT deliverables, smooth systems operations, proactive maintenance, consistent systems availability, and, most importantly, unwavering IT security.

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    Our solutions are guided by industry veterans, entrepreneurs and an advisory board with the expertise and network to guide business ideas from incubation, through launch and full-blown operational growth.

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    A dedicated and experienced data team that includes certified process specialists functions within a focused and independent internal business unit.

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    The team supports a broad range of strategic projects and tactical initiatives related to the Group’s overall mission, including forecasting, budgeting, accounting/auditing, capital allocation, financial planning and analysis.

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    Maintaining an organisational culture committed to compliance and high ethical standards.

    The team also exercises oversight of the ISO 9001 and ISAE 3402 Type II audits (DA-Desk) and provides advice on internal controls, risk management, contracts, corporate structures and the handling of other important legal matters.

Committed to limiting our environmental impact…

…not only within the Group but also with our customers and stakeholders.

We do this by adopting the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles, of which we’ve been a signatory for 10 years.

We strive to help our customers make better and more sustainable decisions, and with PortLog we are working to tackle pollution by reducing wait times at port, and cutting down fuel consumption and the resulting emissions.

UNGC report

How we do it

Guided by our principles, we identify common transactions in the shipping industry with fragmented or non-existing standards, and where those transactions may cause high friction or carry unnecessary costs for parties involved.

We work with our customers through efficient processing of such non-standardised transactions, and aim to learn enough to propose an impartial, scalable solution that has the potential to become an industry standard.

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