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MarTrust: International Crew Payments and the Story of Six Wives

By Domenico Carlucci, Managing Director of MarTrust

One of the main reasons why our customers use MarTrust’s payment processing services is that we are dedicated and always available.

International crew payments can be the bane of many ship managers’ and masters’ lives. The current success rate of maritime payroll payments through traditional means averages at around 94%. This means that 6 out of every 100 employees do not get their salaries on time.

MarTrust provides global maritime financial services and delivers 99.99% of crew payments on time.

We provide a secure and compliant solution enabling you to pay your crew wherever they may be in the world and in over 130 currencies.

This is the story of ‘the six wives’ and how MarTrust processes global maritime crew payments. Watch it now:

Or contact us for more information on how we can help you improve the processing and pricing of your international crew and supplier payments:

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